If you’re planning to pull an all-nighter, you might need an espresso coffee boost in order to stay awake. Thanks to the caffeine content, you’ll feel more alert and focused so will achieve more. Coffee isn’t the only source of caffeine, though. You can also get it from tea and soda, but have you ever heard of caffeine pills?
Caffeine pills can provide that energy boost you need, even if you don’t feel in the mood for a hot drink, and just like the beverage itself, these pills have multiple pros and cons.
Comparing caffeine pills with coffee
I know it’s almost impossible to believe, right, but some people don’t like coffee – WHAT?!
Yes, they may not be in love with our fave energy-boosting beverage. So pills packed full of caffeine might suit them very well. They can still gain the buzz without the drink. The pills deliver a measurable amount of caffeine, allowing you to monitor your intake. With the recommended daily amount being in the region of 400 mg, this is a useful benefit.
Those who are suffering from acid reflux may also benefit from taking pills instead of drinking coffee. The latter is quite acidic and too much can upset the digestive tract, causing irritation. It can also have the unwanted effect of producing a lot of urine in some drinkers, so tablets avoid these issues.
As mentioned, you only need up to 400 mg of caffeine to enjoy the full effects of this stimulant. Regardless of the way you take in caffeine, going over the limits will negate any health benefits and you may start to experience the following side effects: frequent headaches, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and diarrhea.
Any side effects?
Studies have also shown that excessive caffeine can also lead to sleep issues, dehydration, increased digestive problems, and heart palpitations. Because of these health complications, it’s not advisable for children, teenagers, and young adults to consume caffeine pills due to their high caffeine content.
It’s possible to develop a dependency on caffeine, and discontinuing the use can induce a number of withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, concentration difficulties, irritability, anxiety, and nervousness. Those who exceed 400 mg a day may suffer from caffeine overdose and may experience seizures, inability to focus, vomiting, and erratic heartbeat. If you or anyone you know suffers from these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.
Nutricost Caffeine Pills
$16.84 in stock
There are numerous brands of caffeine pills available on the market but one most recommended by doctors is Nutricost Caffeine Pills. These pills come in 100 or 200 mg of caffeine per pill. They have no added sugar or calorie content with each pill consisting of only a gelatine capsule and rice flour.
You can either dry swallow one or two pills within 24 hour period or open a capsule and add it to any beverage. If you choose to do the former, the effects of caffeine will occur almost instantly. We recommend adding the pills to your drink as this appears to be a gentler way to take them.