Everyone that regularly visits the gym is aware of various energy resources. But which one of them is the best? The top 3 primary options are very well-known, consisting of energy drinks, coffee, and pre-workout supplements. In the alternative, gym lovers do nothing at all.
There is no need to argue that what you choose is completely dependent on your personal preference. Although, issues are arising when people are facing the dilemma of using coffee or pre-workout supplements before they hit the gym. So, here is what you need to know to make an informed decision.
Pre-Workout Supplements Overview
It is no secret that every person is striving to achieve the best results possible from their daily exercise. Accordingly, pre-workout supplements ensure you get exactly that! Therefore, many find it tempting to try different products before going to fitness.
Every time you take such supplements, you likely feel as if you’ve increased both your energy and endurance levels and your muscle power. There has been some scientific debate as to whether this claim is supported by science or whether the boost is a subjective experience.
Some recent studies have backed both sides – on the one hand, some researchers have found that pre-workout supplementation is safe for healthy adults, but not necessary for performance. On the other hand, different studies have found that pre-workout supplements have ergogenic (fatigue-eliminating) effects, as well as a boosting impact on anaerobic power performance. The bottom line is that both sides of the academic discourse agree pre-workout supplements are safe for healthy adults. However, it is evident that more research with a wider test sample needs to be done over longer periods of time, testing various energy parameters in order to make any conclusive statement on the energy-boosting effects of pre-workout supplements.
Keep reading to find out more about the effects of pre-workout supplements vs coffee.
What Are Supplements Made From?
It is common to come across 7 ingredients contained within pre-workout supplements, including caffeine, creatine and guarana. And here is the million-dollar question – is it safe?
As previously mentioned, experts show that such supplements are generally considered safe for healthy adults. They have ingredients that raise the flow of blood in your body, speed up the heart rate and even improve the condition of your skin! However, many people neglect that this is not making you any stronger, bigger or faster. In truth, supplements only stimulate you to reach the max of your limits.
Among the many ingredients of supplements, they most certainly contain creatine. The mysterious substance is used to boost energy levels in your muscles, which in turn could be beneficial and improve overall performance.
This brings us to the assumption that most pre-workout supplements are not harmful to your body, albeit, there is no scientific proof that supports most of their guaranteed effects.
Coffee as a Replacement?
Coffee has numerous advantages, making it an excellent choice for pre-workouts! The biggest benefit is perhaps its weight loss properties. So, when you drink coffee before you exercise, you are most certainly burning fat as coffee is a natural source of energy.
More specifically, black coffee comprises of big amount of caffeine, playing a crucial role in improving metabolism. As a result, you will burn more calories throughout your day. Moreover, caffeine is suppressing your appetite, meaning that your calorie intake is much lower than when you consume pre-workout supplements.
However, apart from increasing your energy, caffeine will keep your mind healthy as well. The improved focus will make your workouts much more efficient, given that you are more productive. One of the best types of coffee for working out and increasing your healthy fat intake is bulletproof coffee prepared in special blenders for bulletproof coffee. The health benefits of this type of coffee are enormous, so head on over to our bulletproof coffee page to learn more about how drinking it regularly can boost your exercise regime.
While coffee and pre-workout supplements might be healthier than, for example, energy drinks, make sure you inform yourself about coffee vs energy drinks properties in order to make the best-informed decision for your pre and post-workout needs.
Last Thoughts
Coffee offers a pleasant and natural caffeine boost before your exercise session whilst pre-workout supplements increase other components to support your training. In particular, black coffee may improve your focus, keeping your gym experience always worth it.
Ultimately, the decision is yours!